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Awards I've won for photography, film, etc.

Palm Beach Film Festival Student Showcase 2015

A film I wrote and directed, "Grief", placed third in the High School Short Film category

Gasparilla International Film Festival


Was awarded Best Female Lead for performance in short horror film "The Sounds of Cindy"

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2015

"Reminiscent" Honorable mention at Scholastics

Sunscreen Film Festival 2015 & Sarasota Film Festival

"Grief" was accepted at Sunscreen and Sarasota Film Festivals and shown at the American Stage Theater

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2014

"Small Talk" Silver key winner at Scholastics

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2017

Gold Key awarded Senior Portfolio. 

The portfolio consists of Digital Art pieces based off of the use of pattern and color to create a collage-type artwork. 

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2017

"Old School" National Silver Medal Winner 

Regional Gold Key recipient


The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2017

"Ramble" Official Selection

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2017

"St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Rebrand | Graphs of Progress"  Silver Key recipient

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 2016

"The Haus Coffee Shop Commercial" Silver key winner at Scholastics

The SPC SEmmy Awards 2017

Best Digital Graphic Design award (1st place) for St. Pete Chamber of Commerce Rebrand package

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